Working with Alyssa

Your Personal Wellness Investigator

FDN Private Coaching

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® embraces metabolic individuality and provides a personalized step by step method that allows clients to achieve repeatable, consistent and successful clinical outcomes. Taking a WHOLEistic approach to health that acknowledges every organ, cell and tissue in the body as an interconnected ecosystem with the goal of improving functionality in the WHOLE body.
Protocols incorporate nutrition, sleep, movement and stress management, with the purpose to remove as many toxic environmental factors and barriers to healing as possible. Reducing the total body "stress" burden the likewise the associated risk of chronic dis-ease.

Transformational Journey

Phase I


  • 1:1 Strategy Sessions identify your areas of needed growth.
  • Mindset shift reframing thoughts and actions that prioritize health.
  • Learn foundational lifestyle elements needed for optimal wellness.
  • Create an actionable plan to experience relief from main complaint.
  • Discover scientific data based on six functional labs that tells us about root causes of your symptoms and provide subsequent healing opportunities.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the imbalances that are causing your symptoms.

Phase II


  • 1:1 Lab Testing Review Sessions
  • Discover scientific data based on six functional labs that tells us about root causes of your symptoms and provide subsequent healing opportunities.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the imbalances that are causing your symptoms.
  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions answer questions and assist with implementing plan of action.
  • Personalized data driven protocols enable you to take charge of your health. 

Phase III


  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions are booked as needed.
  • Less reliance on supplementation more nutrition focused.
  • Remembering how-to listen to the signals your body is sending.
  • Regain an intuitive understanding of your individual needs. 
  • Trust that your body is regenerating every moment of everyday.
  • Confidently know what you and your body needs to be healthy.
  • Gracefully move your life forward having all the energy and vitality you desire.

Give Your Body A Voice

Functional labs are designed to find hidden and often connected imbalances in the body. Instead of helping to simply manage symptoms they instead seek out root causes and healing opportunities in the body. Functional labs aim to bring the body back into balance by reducing sources of inflammation and toxicity, supporting immune function, optimizing nourishment and nutrient absorption, and restoring gut function. Traditional lab ranges are extremely wide, because guess who gets tested? Sick people! You can fall “into range” for traditional lab work and still feel terrible. If using traditional labs such as standard blood work, I focus on the optimal range, meaning the range at which you feel great.

Functional Lab Tests

This opt-in model of SELF CARE gives you, the tools to take the best care of yourself possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t live near you. Can we still work together?
Yes, WHOLEistic Lyfe operates virtually. All of our consults and coaching sessions are over video or phone call. I work with clients all over the country.
Do you take insurance?
I do not bill insurance. I do, however, take payment plans for my programs if that helps you to get started now.
What is functional nutrition?
Just because something might be a “healthy food” doesn’t mean it is healthy for you. I take an individualized approach to nutrition by utilizing functional labs to determine the ideal foods that help your body thrive. I use nutritional, genetic and food sensitivity testing, to look at metabolism, hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamin and mineral levels and microbiome functionality to assess the health of the gut to give each client their ideal nutritional balance.
How do functional labs work?
Lab kits are expedited directly to your home. Samples required may include: stool, urine, hair, saliva, cheek swab or blood. You will collect all samples (with the exception of the blood draw) in the privacy of your home. After completion, you will mail the samples to the labs in the pre-paid envelopes provided. If a blood draw is needed you’ll be given instructions for choosing the lab closest to you.
Are results guaranteed?
My programs are an opt-in model of self-care. I assess, educate, motivate and give clients the tools to succeed. Ultimately though it is up to each individual to work their individualized program, to stay committed and consistent. Small daily changes equal massive shifts over time. Because I cannot and will not micromanage each step of a program, the only one who can guarantee success is the client.
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